Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Green Tea is one of the most popular health drinks. It contains lots of antioxidants and nutrients
which helps in improving our health, skin and hair. 
But before you start consuming this amazing beverage have you ever thought about,
when to drink green tea?

Some people consume it in the morning empty stomach,some consume it before or after exercise,
while some people prefer it after breakfast.

But do you know, consuming green tea at certain hours could negatively impact your health.

Well we’ll discuss in detail in the article below, when to drink green tea to acquire maximum benefits.

Drinking Green Tea in the Morning Empty Stomach

It’s not usually suggested to consume Green Tea on an Empty Stomach.
People who followed this Green Tea Drinking Schedule faced a lot of stomach and
health related issues.

Some of the possible problems green tea can cause from drinking it in the morning
on an empty stomach are -

Acidity and Stomach Issues-  Green Tea is Alkaline in nature, consuming it on an empty stomach can
cause acidity and gastric problems. The tannins present in it can lead to stomach pain, constipation
and nausea if consumed early in the morning.

Reduced Iron absorption- The Catechins present in Green Tea reduces the natural iron absorption.
It is highly recommended to avoid the consumption of green tea if you are suffering from anemia.

Anxiety and Sleep Problems- Green Tea  comes with certain amounts of caffeine, consuming it
empty stomach will increase the adverse effects of caffeine and may cause sleeping problems.

Drinking Green Tea before or after exercise

Green Tea incurs several benefits before and after exercise-

Benefits of Drinking Green Tea before Exercise

Caffeine and EGCG present in it helps to perform more intense exercise and for a longer time.
Drinking a cup or two of green tea before workout provides ample energy for exercise.

It increases the metabolic rate of the body which helps in burning fat and weight loss.
Both EGCG and caffeine present in green tea works together to improve the metabolism of the body.

Green Tea helps in detoxifying the body, when you drink green tea before exercise it helps in
extracting the toxins out of our body in the form of sweat.

The one main reason behind everyday exercise is to keep the body healthy and fit and Green Tea
helps in maintaining your overall health and also prevents various diseases.
According to National Cancer Institute the polyphenols present in green tea helps in preventing  cancer.

Benefits of Drinking Green Tea after Exercise

Green Tea is rich in nutrients, and contains zero calories which helps in hydrating the body
after intense workout.

After exercising our energy drains out, people suffering from diabetes cannot consume glucose
to regain energy. Green Tea helps in stabilising the energy level and keeps the blood sugar in control.

Green Tea also helps in healing the muscle cramps and soreness occuring from rigorous workouts.

Drinking Green Tea after Breakfast

Drinking Green Tea in the morning will provide maximum benefits to your body, but do not consume
it early in the morning on an empty stomach, it may cause certain problems as i have mentioned above.

Drinking Green Tea right after breakfast or meals could affect your digestion, the tannins and
caffeine present in it will obstruct the nutrition absorption from the food.

Drink it atleast 30-45 minutes after breakfast to reap maximum benefits.

You may also consume green tea smoothies, they taste great and are very refreshing.

Drinking Green Tea before Bed

Green Tea contains Caffeine which helps in keeping you awake. Consuming it before bedtime
could affect your sleep.

Drinking Fluids before going to bed may increase your need to pee in the night, which will hinder your sleep.

Though, Green Tea also contains amino acid, L-Theanine which helps in calming and relaxing
the mind and body, hence promoting better sleep.
To get the best results without impacting your sleeping schedule consume green tea 2-3 hours before your bedtime.

So, these were various pros and cons related to the timings of drinking green tea. 
Don’t consume more than 3-5 cups of green tea per day and also consume it between
meals to extract most benefits out of it.

Matcha Green Tea is very high in antioxidants and catechins as compared to the regular green tea.
It contains the nutrients of the entire leaf making it so rich in antioxidants.

From Matcha Green Tea the first thought that comes to our mind is drinking green tea,
but matcha is a powerhouse of skin benefits too. It helps in treating acne,
skin inflammation, improves the complexion,reduces wrinkles and also helps in weight loss.

That’s the reason why Matcha has become so popular these days and it’s being
added in lots of face masks.

Here are various benefits of Matcha Green Tea for Skin-

Treats Acne

The tannins present in Matcha controls the sebum production from the skin which
helps in reducing the acne on the skin. 

Mask for Acne Treatment- 

  • Mix one tablespoon of matcha powder with few drops of lemongrass oil.

  • Apply it on your face.
  • Wash it after 10 mins.

It’ll kill the acne causing bacteria, control the sebum production and will also heal the
scars caused by acne.

Treats Skin Inflammation

Matcha has anti-inflammatory properties due to its high content of polyphenols and catechins. It reduces redness, irritation and rashes on the skin. It also has hydrating properties which makes the skin glowing.

Mask for Skin Inflammation-
  • Mix one tablespoon of matcha powder with equal amount of coconut oil.
  • Apply it on your face.
  • Wash off after 5 minutes.

It’ll help in treating the irritation and redness on your skin.

Anti-Aging Treatment

Matcha protects the skin from damage causing free radicals it also reduces the
wrinkles and age spots on your skin.

Mask for Anti-Aging-

  • Mix 2 teaspoons of green tea with equal amount of honey.
  • Apply the paste on your face.
  • Wash off after 10-15 minutes.

Honey and Matcha both have anti-aging properties, it’ll help in reducing the
wrinkles and fine lines on your skin.

Better Skin Complexion

It helps in exfoliating the dead cells from the skin, which leads to better Skin Complexion.

Mask for Improving the Skin Complexion-

  • Mix 1 tablespoon of matcha green tea powder with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil.
  • Add 2 teaspoons of sugar to it.
  • Scrub it on your face.
  • Wash your face with lukewarm water.

It’ll help you to get rid of impurities and will enhance your skin complexion.

Other Benefits of Matcha Green Tea

It helps in lowering the blood pressure, promotes weight loss improves heart health,
boosts energy levels and improves memory.
Matcha has 3 times more antioxidants than the regular green tea which makes it
more effective for the skin as well as for the overall body health.
Drinking Matcha Green Tea is always good for your skin, but these various face
masks i have mentioned above will beautify your skin.

Try these face masks and share your experience in the comment section below!

To start your day with full of energy and to keep your mind and body awake the entire day,
you must try green tea smoothies.

You can prepare it in dozens of flavours, like matcha, strawberry, mango, berry etc.

Green Tea Smoothies help in weight loss, keeps you energetic and also detoxify your body.
These smoothies are easy to prepare and make a wholesome diet for breakfast.

Check out these smoothie recipes below, and start off a great day.

Matcha Green Tea Smoothie Recipe for Weight Loss

Matcha Green Tea contains a lot more catechins and antioxidants than regular green tea.
Consuming tea containing higher catechins is considered more beneficial for weight loss,
while high EGCG or Polyphenols helps in reducing the food cravings.


  1. 2 bananas frozen
  2. 1 handful spinach
  3. 4-5 dates
  4. Small piece of pineapple or any other juicy fruit
  5. 1 cup yogurt
  6. 1 tablespoon of matcha powder

Method to Prepare

  1. Blend the yogurt and matcha powder in the blender for 10-15 seconds.
  2. Add the dates, bananas, spinach and the fruit to it. Blend again for 30 seconds.
  3. Serve in a bowl or cup and garnish it with a slice of fruit.

Prepare and consume it fresh everyday, don’t store it in the refrigerator, it’ll reduce its nutrients.

Green Tea Mango Smoothie

The healthy green tea with sweet and juicy mangoes make a great combo.


  1. 1 cup frozen mangoes
  2. 1 cup yogurt
  3. 3 tablespoon of brewed green tea
  4. 1 handful of spinach
  5. 2-3 walnuts

Method To Prepare

  1. Blend the yogurt, walnuts and brewed green tea in the blender for 20 seconds.
  2. Add mangoes and spinach to it and blend again for 30 seconds.
  3. Serve it in a glass or bowl.

Consume this freshly prepared green tea and mango smoothie in your breakfast and refresh
your body and mind.

Green Tea Strawberry Smoothie

A quick and easy recipe with the delicious strawberries and green tea.


  1. 1 cup frozen strawberries
  2. 1 cup almond milk
  3. 4-5 dates
  4. 3 tablespoon of brewed green tea
  5. 3 teaspoon of honey

Method to Prepare

  1. Blend almond milk, strawberries for 20 seconds.
  2. Now add honey, brewed green tea and dates to it.
  3. Blend it until it forms a thick paste.
  4. Serve it in a glass or a cup.

Consume it fresh and stay energised the whole day.

Green Tea Berry Smoothie

This Smoothie with berries and green tea is full of vitamins and antioxidants, it will improve your
metabolism and keep you energised the whole day.


  1. 3 tablespoon of brewed green tea
  2. 1 cup yogurt
  3. 1 cup frozen berries
  4. 1 frozen, peeled and sliced banana
  5. 1 handful of spinach

Method to Prepare

  1. Blend yogurt and berries in a blender for 20 seconds.
  2. Add spinach, banana and brewed green tea to it.
  3. Blend again till it forms a thick paste.
  4. Serve it fresh in a cup or bowl.

Try this simple and easy recipe in your breakfast.

These green tea smoothies will help in improving your health and will provide you a
lot of nutrition. If you don’t like the taste of regular green tea  then these smoothies
could be a great alternative for you.

You may add your own flavours to it, try it with different fruits and vegetables.
I’m sure you’re gonna love it.


Green Tea is filled with antioxidants and nutrients which helps to lose weight, prevents cancer and improves skin and hair. But a lot of people avoid consuming it due to its bitter taste or those who consume it do not extract the maximum benefits out of Green Tea.

Well, there are many ways to make green tea taste good and that too without adding sugar to it. 

If you follow the correct procedure to prepare it and add some healthy additives to it you’re definitely gonna get great benefits with improved taste.

  1. Use water with the right temperature -  We usually boil water in a pot and pour it in the cup with the tea bag already placed on it. Rarely we keep the boiled water aside for few seconds to cool down a bit,  and it’s the biggest mistake we usually make while preparing green tea, which makes the taste of the bitter and astringent. So, always let the boiled water cool down a bit before pouring it into the cup.
  2. Do not Steep for a long time - It’s very important to steep the green tea for the right amount of time. Green Tea leaves are very delicate, if you brew it more than 2-3 minutes it’ll start tasting bitter and the colour of the tea will also get darker.
  3. Use Ginger - What to mix in Green Tea to make it taste better? This question comes in everyone’s mind, so one of the ingredients you can add is Ginger. It tastes great with green tea. If you’re suffering from cough and cold then ginger green tea is great home remedy.
  4. Use Honey - If you want to make your tea taste better without adding sugar to it, then honey is a great alternative. It’s less processed than sugar and contains a lot more nutrients. It also provides relief in cough, cold and allergies. It’ll sweeten your green tea along with improving your health.
  5. Use Lemon Juice - A few drops of lemon juice makes the flavour of green tea delicious. Studies also found that adding lemon juice or other citrus juice to green tea helps the body absorb 13 times more catechins.So, mixing lemon with green tea will improve its taste and also derive more health benefits.
  6. Add Fresh Spices and Herbs - Other than lemon, ginger and honey you may also use some natural herbs and spices like, cinnamon, tulsi leaves, mint leaves etc. It’ll enhance the flavour of your tea.
  7. Use Good Quality Green Tea - If you don’t use good quality green tea, no matter how many additives you use, right water temperature and proper steeping time won’t make anything better. So first of all choose good green tea and for that check the reviews of the tea before buying it.

So, now you know various ways to make your green tea taste good.

Try these methods and share your experience in the comment section below! 

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

We all know that green tea helps in losing weight, but how does it works?  How much green tea you should have for weight loss? What is the method to prepare it?

These all questions must be arousing a big confusion in your mind.

So to clear your confusion, read the complete article from top to bottom and by the end you'll get all the answers.

How Green Tea helps in Weight Loss

Green tea contains small amounts of naturally occurring caffeine, which helps to boost you up while you're performing an intense workout.

Green tea leaves are loaded with antioxidants such as polyphenols and catechins. The main catechin  called EGCG or epigallocatechin gallate fastens the process of fat oxidation and helps in reducing body and belly fat.

Research shows that the catechins or EGCG have a positive effect on weight loss and weight management.

It is important to note that Green Tea alone is not enough, you must follow a regular exercise routine along with healthy diet for best results.

Best Green Tea for Weight Loss

Lipton Green Tea 

Lipton Green Tea has 100% natural leaves without any chemicals, it also has catechins and caffeine that helps losing weight in a natural way. It helps in improving heart health, improves immunity, reduces stress level and keeps you hydrated.

Tetley Green Tea

It's another popular brand of green tea. The tea also contains lemon, mint and ginger which helps in boosting the immune system and also improves digestion.

Girnar Green Tea

Along with the natural leaves Girnar green tea also contains essential herbs and spices, like clove, black pepper, tulsi, cinnamon, ginger etc.

Heapwell Matcha Green Tea

Matcha is one of the most distinct flavours of Japan and one of the best green tea for weight loss.
Matcha  is great for skin its rich in anti oxidants and helps in detoxyfying your body. It'll help in fastening the process of weight loss by cleansing your body.

Teamonk Global Green Tea

Packed with anti-oxidants it helps in boosting your immune system and helps in fighting various diseases. Its detoxifying effect helps in cleansing the body and weight loss.

How much Green Tea you should have for Weight Loss

Researchers recommend 2-3 cups of green tea per day.
However for weight loss green tea supplements are found more effective than regular green tea.
Avoid consuming too much, it will negatively impact your health.
Also avoid consuming it during meal times or with empty stomach, it'll cause acidity or nutrition loss.
Try consuming freshly brewed green tea after breakfast and between the meals.

How to make Green Tea for Weight Loss

There are many ways to prepare green tea. To make it more effective for weight loss you may follow these recipes-

  • 1 cup water
  • 2 teaspoons of lemon juice
  • 1 green tea bag or 1 teaspoon of green tea leaves
  • Boil water in a pot.
  • Add the lemon juice
  • Let the water cool for few seconds
  • Pour it over the green tea bag placed in a cup or pour the hot water in the container through the leaves in the strainer.
  • Let it steep for 2-3 minutes, then remove the tea bag or strainer.
  • Enjoy your tea with burning those extra calories

  • 1 cup water
  • 1 inch cinnamon stick
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 green tea bag or 1 teaspoon of green tea leaves
  • Boil water in a pot.
  • Place the cinnamon stick in it.
  • Let the water cool for a few seconds.
  • Add honey in your cup.
  • Pour the water over the green the bag or through the strainer containing the leaves, into the cup.
  • Let it steep for 2-3 minutes, then remove the tea bag or strainer.
  • Enjoy your tea.
Share your experience of green tea and weight loss in the comment section below!

Green Tea is loaded with nutrients and antioxidants, but to reap the maximum benefits out of it its important to consume it in optimal quantity and regularly but at the same time over consumption of it can negatively impact your health.

How much Green Tea per day

Their is no clear evidence of how much green tea should be consumed per day for weight loss, skin care or other diseases.
But according to studies, consuming certain amounts of green tea may help in lowering the risk of certain diseases

Green Tea and cardiovascular diseases

 9 Studies including 259,267 individuals shows that people who drank 1-3 cups of green tea per day had a reduced risk of heart attack and stroke compared to those who consumed less than one cup.

Green Tea and type-2 diabetes

A research done on a total of 17,413 persons (6727 men and 10,686 women) between 40-65 years of age, without any history of type-2 diabetes. The results show that those who drank 3-6 cups of green tea per day had a 33% reduced risk for type-2 diabetes.

Green Tea and Prostrate cancer

 A prospective study conducted over Japanese men shows that those who drank 5 or more cups of green tea per day had a lower risk of advanced prostrate cancer as compared to those who 1 cup per day.

Green Tea and Oral Cancer

Study shows that women who drank 1-5 cups of green tea per day showed a reduced risk of oral cancer as compared to those who drank less than one cup.

Green Tea and Breast Cancer

A research shows that those who drank more than 5 cups of green tea per day showed reduced recurrences of stage 1 and 2 breast cancer.

How to Drink Green Tea

Drinking 3-4 cups of green tea per day seems to be optimal, but the actual results may vary from person to person.

  • People having sleep disorders should not consume green tea near to their bed time. Green Tea contains caffeine which could worsen your problem. Have your last cup eight hours before bedtime.
  • Pregnant and Breast-feeding women should not consume more than 200 miligrams of caffeine per day. One cup of green tea contains 30-50 mg of caffeine. Consult the doctor before consuming.
  • People facing gastric problem and acidity should not consume more than 2 cups of green tea, since its alkaline in nature.

Disadvantages of drinking Green Tea

  • Over consumption of green tea  may result in headache, nervousness, sleeplessness, irritability, heartburn and dizziness. 
  • Consuming large amounts of  Catechins present in green tea may result in iron deficiency or anemia
  • Green tea may cause obstructions in certain medications.
So, consume Green Tea daily, but in optimal quantity and in accordance with your medications and treatments.